By far the oldest game on the list, I originally attempted to play Enslaved : Odyssey to the West way back in 2010 on a Xbox360. For whatever reason at the time I did not get very far into it and it went away when I sold my 360 a few years later. When it popped on on Steam years later I wish listed it and then pick it up for a fiver on sale a little after that because I remembered liking what I played and figured I couldn't lose for that cheap (and it had very positive reviews).
And while the age of the game shows, Enslaved is a lot of fun. You play as Monkey, escorting (under duress) a girl named Trip through a long after the apocalypse world full of robots. Part brawler, part shooter, part platformer with a little bit of puzzle solving and some interesting side characters. There are aspects of it that have a slight "budget" feel (not a ton of enemy variety) and some complaints that it is a little easy (which is fine with me) but the writing is good and remembering that this is almost a 10 year old game puts it squarely in the category of holding up pretty darn well.
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