As I have mentioned before I don't usually review Early Access games but some games are so feature complete that it's neither here nor there. Not that Slay the Spire hasn't had a ton of stuff added to it during its EA period, its 3 times the game it was when I started playing it back in April and more added all the time. Also its out of early access in January so close enough :)
Slay the Spire is a rogue-like as you go deck builder. Each round you move up a chain of possible events that include fighting monsters, opening treasure, some choose-a-result story events, rest stops and a merchant that is willing to sell you all sorts of good stuff. Each path ends with a big boss fight that once completed moves you to the next level of the spire. Just be careful and smart because if you die you have to start all over, though your progress unlocks new cards available on further runs.
The core mechanic of building and manipulating the cards is fantastic. You start with a small deck of cards that are just enough to get you through the first few fights. After each fight you are presented with 3 cards and you can put one of them into your deck. At rest stops you can upgrade one of your cards to a better version and at the merchant you can buy new cards and even more importantly remove a card (for a price) from your deck (get rid of those starter cards). Add the mechanic of getting "bad" cards put into your deck from certain enemies, permanent bonuses from artifacts and a balance system of how many cards you can play in a turn and the strategy runs super deep. Oh there are 3 character classes to pick from that are all VERY different. And a load of different game modes.
Also there is a big whale guy that greets you at the start of each run. So yeah it's pretty rad.
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