Well 2018 is all wrapped up. Played lots of games, reviewed some and did my top 12 - YAY! As I finish up the last few weeks of the year playing a silly amount No Man's Sky again and enjoying all the new updated content since the last time I played it's time ti think about the future.
So what is going to be up in 2019 for A2Steam?
Well to start it won't just be Steam games next year. Even though my Steam library is hilariously large there are still other places on PC games hang out, like GoG, the Blizzard store, the new Epic Games store and heck even the Microsoft store. Not to mention all the sweet little games from itch.io and other independent sources. Games everywhere! So yeah expect reviews covering games from all over the place.
The second thing is a bit more of a biggie. As it turns out after two years of doing this blog I have begun to realize that I don't enjoy writing blog posts as much as I thought I would. Am I much more of a talker than a typer. So like it says up in the headline for the blog, a podcast will be the main method of me reviewing games in 2019. I already do a couple of weekly podcasts (can be heard here) and the A2SteamPod (or whatever I decide to call it) will probably be once every two weeks and I will give my thoughts on what I have been playing, mini-reviews, etc. I try to will keep it bite sized, 20-30ish minutes an episode. There will still be text posts here but not as in depth.
Thanks to everyone who read the blog this year and I hope you all come back next year!
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